Daily Archives: June 22, 2014


An explanation more beautiful than my words could ever be:
Giving Is The Best Communication – Thai Mobile Ad…: http://youtu.be/JPOVwKPMG8o

The World full of horrible injustices, life is cruel and unfair. Survival of the fittest is now survival of the richest.

And the worst thing?
It feels like you’re just too powerless, poor or insignificant against the size if it.

Starvation, Cancer, HIV, Natural disasters whatever.

Well the truth is there is something you can do to change the world.

And its cheap, and simple and should make someone smile.

Its called A Random Act Of Kindness or RAOK.

Just do one small thing to improve the life of a stranger.
See that a Girl sobbing? Go give her a tissue.
Give your elderly neighbour a Christmas card or invite him round for a cup of tea.
Hold the door open for someone.
Carry a lighter just in case someone asks for a light.
Give out free hugs (I did this once. It was hugely fun. I made sure I got all the people with the saddest expressions 😉 ).

Have a think. Be good to people, even if you don’t know them.

Leave a note that says ‘pass it on’

Now you may never know the difference that a small random act of kindness makes to that stranger. But this is not about fame or fortune, its about changing the world one small random act of kindness at a time.

My hot tip? Why just one RAOK?

Share the love.

And Dear stranger,
If you find this, pass it on, and have a brilliant week!
(I know my name is on here, but who I am doesn’t matter. Thank me by doing a RAOK and asking them to pass it on 😉 )