Daily Archives: September 7, 2023

Fix off screen windows in Windows 10

Do you have windows which are stuck off screen and there is no Move options in the right click menu on the taskbar, even if you hold the Shift key? Read on for a solution!

  1. Left click the app’s icon on the taskbar icon. If the app has more than one window open, click on the appropriate thumbnail.
  2. Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard then press the spacebar and release. This will bring up a menu on one of your visible screens.
  3. Click ‘Move’ on the list, and use the cursor keys (the arrow keys) on your keyboard to move the program. The window will continue move while the key is held down. The window will usually be to the left or right of the screen where the menu popped up, but you may have to experiment to see where it is to move it back.

That it! Good luck!